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1Question 1.Create a table to show the various efforts of Gandhiji in national movement?
Event Gandhijis Role
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Event Gandhijis Role
1917 & 1918 Peasants struggle His earliest interventions were in local movements in Champaran and Kheda where he led peasants in their struggles against unfair terms and excessive taxes
1919 Mill workers strike In Ahmedabad he led a successful textile workers strike in 1919
1919 Rowlatt Act Gandhiji gave a call for Satyagraha against the Rowlatt Act
1920 Punjab wrongs Gandhiji supported the Muslims call and urged the Congress to campaign againstPunjab wrongs, the Khilafat wrong
1920-22 Non-Cooperation Movement Gandhiji demanded Swarajya and abruptly called off Non¬Cooperation movement
1930 Salt Satyagraha, Civil Disobedience He led a campaign to Dandi village from Sabarmathi Ashram in Ahmedabad and refused the British laws
1942 Quit India movement Quit India resolution was passed on 8-8-1942 at Bombay.British Rule in India must end immediately; Gandhiji addressed memorable words to the Indian People
194, Aug 15 He rendered his services till we attained our independence
Question 2.The national movement fought all attempts of the British government to deny democratic freedom and rights of the people. Give examples of the rights which the government tried to curtail and the movement launched against it?


  • In 1919 the British introduced and passed the Rowiatt Act. The act curbed the fundamental rights of citizens and strengthened police powers
  • The National leaders declared 6-4-1919the day of humiliation and prayer and hartal, Satyagraha sabhas were set up to launch the movement
  • In 1920 the British imposed a harsh treaty on the Turkish Sultan or Khalifa
  • The nationalist leaders and Muslim League opposed this as Punjab wrongs and Khilafat wrong and demanded swaraj. They announced Non-Cooperation movement
  • The British government decided to convert Chirala-Perala into a municipality. They forced high taxes. The people refused, under the leadership of Duggirala Gopalakrishnayya, to pay the taxes. They migrated to a new settlement called Ramnagar and remained there for eleven months
  • The Britishers imposed tax on Common salt. The nationalists opposed this and started civil disobedience movement. Thus the Indian Nationalists opposed all the negative activities of the British government
Question 3.To what extent was the Salt Satyagraha successful in its objectives? Give your assessment?

Answer: A wave of enthusiasm swept the country during the Salt Satyagraha. Sait laws were broken at many places and even women took part in the Civil Disobedience Movement. In Delhi alone, 1600 women were imprisoned. This movement was not confined to the Salt Satyagraha alone. Foreign-cloth shops and liquor shops were picketed and were burned. Hand spinning was taken up as a movement. British schools, colleges, and services were boycotted. The people joined in large numbers in this movement. The combined struggles of the Indian people bore fruit when the Government of India Act of 1935 prescribed provincial autonomy and the government announced elections to the provincial legislatures in 1937. Thus it was successful in its objectives.

Question 4.Which of the following was part of the national movement?
  • Picketing shops that sell foreign clothes
  • Hand spinning thread to weave clothes
  • Burning imported clothes d. Wearing khaddar
  • All the above


  • All the above
Question 5.What were the different events that led to the partition?


  • In 1940, the Muslim League had moved a resolution demanding the Independent States for Muslims
  • From the late 1930s, the League began viewing the Muslims as a separate nation from the Hindus
  • The provincial elections of 1937 seemed to have convinced the League that Muslims were a minority and they would always have to play second fiddle in any democratic structure
  • Muslim League sought to enlarge its support in the early 1940s when most Congress leaders were in jail
  • At the end of the war in 1945, the British opened negotiations between the Congress, the League but failed
  • In 1946 elections the Congress did well in the Genera! Constituencies but the Leagues success in the seats reserved for Muslims was spectacular. It persisted with its demand forPakistan
  • The Cripps Mission could not get the Congress and the Muslim League to agree to specific details of the proposal - the United India
  • Muslim League announced 16th August, 1946 as Direct Action Day. By March, 1947 violence spread to different parts of northern India
  • Louis Mountbatten was not able to resolve the differences between the Muslim League and the Congress Party
  • India became independent on 15th August, 1947 while Pakistan celebrated its independence on 14th August
Question 6.Look at the India map and fill colors in Pakistan and Bangladesh which are our adjacent countries?
Note: The students are advised to fill colours in Pakistan and Bangladesh in practise.

Answer: Year Events 1885 Indian National Congress established 1886 Congress representatives were elected for local bodies (436) 1885-1905 The period of Moderates 1903 Swadeshi movement 1905 Vande Mataram1 movement against the partition of Bengal 1905-1920 The period of Extremists 1907 A split in Congress 1915 Home Rule movement by Tilak and Annie Besant 1916 Congress united in Lucknow pact 1915 Gandhiji arrived - joined in Indian freedom movement 1917 Champaran local movement 1918 Kheda struggle 1919 Ahmedabad Mill workers strike, Satyagraha against the Rowlatt Act 1920 Khilafat movement 1921 Khilafat movement 1922 Chauri-Chaura incident, called off Civil disobedience 1930 Dandi Satyagraha - Civil disobedience recalled on 1935 Government of India Act 1937 Elections to the provincial legislatures 1940-1945 Radical Nationalists period 1942 Quit India Movement 1942-44 Parallel government of Midnapur people 1946 Cripps Mission, Muslim League announced as Direct Action Day 1947 Violence spread to different parts of northern India 1947-14th Aug Violence spread to different parts of northern India 1947-15th Aug India became independent

Question 11.Did the fruits of sacrifices of many great leaders of Independence movement reach all the people? Mention your opinion on this?

Answer: My opinion: I think that the fruits of sacrifices of many great leaders of independence movement reached all the people in the early period after independence. But it is sorry to say that the spirit of independence is hanged at present. Reasons:

  • corruption
  • violence
  • lack of belongingness etc

8th Class Social Studies 11th Lesson National Movement: The Last Phase 1919-1947 InText Questions and Answers

Question 1.Do you think it is right to give the police such powers to suppress revolts?
(Textbook Page No. 130)

Answer: Terrorism and showing anger through demonstrations are two delicate issues. The police should recognise the tenderness and difference between these two. Then only it is right to give such powers

Question 2.Find out more about Chirala Perala Movement and the Forest Satyagraha. Prepare a skit and enact it in the class?
(Textbook Page No. 132)

Answer: Independence Movement -1919 Ram Nagar Camp (Chirala I Perala) Ramudu: Arey! Raja, why did you leave our village? Raja: Not only myself, totally our Chirala / Perala villagers left our village. Sekhar: What? I think this ¡s our fate, we have to leave our houses. Yaswanth: That is not our fate. That is the fate of the Britishers. They tried to raise our tax Rs. 4000/- to Rs. 40,000/-. It is really a cruel action. Ramudu: Leave it. Gandhiji gave us a beautiful idea. Raja: Yes ra! His idea, the leadership of Duggirala Gopalakrishnayya are very well. Let us hope that these British will leave us soon. Yaswanth: Are you right? Will they leave us? Sekhar: Why do they leave us? They arrest us for our retort. Raja: Let them do that. We will sacrifice our lives but we dont leave them. All: Okay ra! Let us do like that. Gandhiji - Jai Duggirala - Jai Bharat Matha - Jai Jai - Jai 1921 - Forest Satyagraha Mono Action Kanneganti Hanumanthu - Palnati Warrior Age: 30 years In Palnati Forest Orey Britishoda ! Who is the person that asked us to pay pullari tax. We, the sons of this land, you, the dependent on this land. Why should we pay tax to you ? Is it just ? Is it Dharma? Do you think that the son of this Palnadu will do this - English dogs. Orey Rutherford! This forest is our mother. Our own mother. Why should we pay you for our mothers blessings. Neeru pettava ? Naru vesava ? Kota kosava ? Kuppa nurchava ? Enduku kattalira sistu, Enduku kattalira neeku sistu. Enduku, Enduku ? Amma, Amma, if you kill me .. Amma - Thousands of Hanumanthus will born .. You, the Britishers, will be chased - chased and necked out of our country. Amma-Amma Vande Mataram. Vande Mataram. Ammaaa Bharatha Matha - Selav. In the next birth also I will be your son - I will play in freedom. Van . de . maa .. tar.. am. .. (died)..

Question 3.Why do you think were people against such laws during the freedom movement?
(Textbook Page No. 180)


  • Most of the police and higher officials were Britishers at that time
  • It was most difficult for the people to been the dictatorship
  • Introducing such laws at that time was like pouring ghee into the fire. So they were against such laws

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